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Satellite coverage
With a wide selection of satellite partner providers, DiTVe connects you to the right operator to successfully reach your target audience.​
DiTVe has partnered with 6 leading satellite providers to bring its clients a solution with worldwide coverage. Tell us your target countries, and we will take care of the rest.
Our solution employs a second system that runs concurrently with the main system and is updated in real time. In case of maintenance work or hardware/software malfunction, this system is activated automatically, leaving your channel working seamlessly without any interruption.
DiTVe’s customer support department is focused on providing clients with a fast, professional, and efficient service. Our team is comprised of industry experts available 24/7, and capable of providing quick responses immediately with valuable advice. All clients receive dedicated trainings and access to video manuals to familiarize them with our features and how to best utilize them to their advantage.
Trained and skilled professionals
Available 24/7
Qualified to provide quick solutions
Reply promptly and courteously